Lawton Tubes and PB Plumber are very excited to announce the LPB Plumbing Awards!
We all know someone within the plumbing industry who deserves special recognition. It could be long-serving college who’s always got time to give advice and a helping hand; a new, up-and-coming apprentice whose dedication and enthusiasm for the job knows no bounds; or a tireless college tutor who inspires his plumbers-in-training with a sense of humour and a love for the trade.
The LPB awards are all about celebrating these exceptional members of the plumbing community and honouring the positive impact they have on fellow plumbers and the industry as whole.
Organised by Robert Lawton from Lawton Tubes, and PB Plumber’s Peter Booth, who are both extremely impassioned about the plumbing industry, the idea for the awards has come from their shared, committed desire to give its most valuable members the recognition they deserve while inspiring then next generation of plumbers taking up the trade. As Robert Lawton explains:
“We are incredibly passionate about engaging with the industry and ways to constantly improve it; the more people we meet within the plumbing community, the more inspired we feel to connect with its members. That’s our motivation for the LPB awards – to commend those who are making the plumbing industry a better place and helping it thrive!”
Unlike other industry awards, the LPB awards are not a popularity contest or a money-spinning venture. In fact, influence and social media followings have nothing to do with it. Instead, the LPB Awards are your chance to identify the brilliant impact and contribution these exceptional members have on the plumbing community.
There are 2 awards up for grabs. They are:
The Plumbers’ Plumber of the Year Award
The Plumber’s Plumber of the Year Award will go to the plumber who has made a profound, positive contribution to the plumbing community. This could be an experienced plumber who’s generously mentored newcomers to the industry, or perhaps a plumber who’s given encouragement and support to fellow community members when they needed it most, be it professionally or personally. The 5 finalists will be invited to the Installer Show 2023 where the winner will be announced at 2pm on 28th June.
The winner will receive:
• A winner’s trophy
• A personalised Velocity kit bag
• A dinner with Robert Lawton, Peter Booth and fellow finalists
The Runners-up will receive:
• A runner’s up prize
• A dinner with Robert Lawton, Peter Booth and fellow finalists
The Plumber’s College of the Year Award
The Plumber’s College of the Year Award will go to the college department that has shown the most dedication to encouraging and supporting its students – going the extra mile to ensure they’re happy and succeed. We want to give those outstanding colleges and exceptional lecturers the recognition they deserve in nurturing the next generation of plumbers.
The winning College will receive:
• A Plumber’s College of the Year trophy
• A paid trip for plumbing students to attend the Installer Show on 29th June 2023, including Special Access Tickets, £250 towards travel expenses, lunch and refreshments
• A college visit from Rob Lawton and Peter Booth
• £1000 worth of kit for the college’s plumbing workshop
Nominations close on 31 May 2023 so don’t forget to put your choices forward!
For more information and to submit your nominations, click here.